Wednesday, 27 November 2013

How to raise your vibrational frequency

 Hello everyone. You’ve heard me time and again telling you about to raise your frequency and how much important it is for you to do it in terms of achieving your desires and goals. Before we move further on this topic, I want you to go through my previous blog which was about ‘Ancient knowledge of consciousness, illusion of reality and cyamatics<-- Click here if you haven’t or even if you have go through it once again. In that post, I tried to explain how are vibrations related to us, or what is frequency or vibration in relation with our body. Thus from that post we can conclude that, vibration and consciousness go hand-in-hand. Our whole body is vibrating at a certain frequency because of which we are realizing the structural WE.
Now with science in hand, I’ll explain how this all actually works. Consider the following frequency graph:

  Let’s first take the high-frequency graph.The red line represents frequency, and the black line represents DNA helical structure. In this graph, imagine a helical structure of DNA which is overlapped on two different frequencies. When DNA overlaps over the high-frequency (of your mind and body), DNA interacts with the frequency at larger number of sites. Thus leading to more activation or awakening of your spirit. Similarly, when the DNA interacts with the low-frequency wave, it interacts at limited number of sites. Thereby limiting your perspective in life.
So when you are in low-frequency, you’re in a decreased state of consciousness. You perception level is lower. But when you are in high frequency, you’re in an increased state of consciousness and which gradually increases your perception level. In lower-frequency, your ego restricts you to see the reality, it also restricts you to see and feel love, and also your intuition level decreases. Thus the lower your vibrational frequency, the less you are able to comprehend. The higher your vibrational frequency, the more you are able to comprehend as you do not restrict the flow of energy and life-source in your body and mind with your ego. Rising to a vibrational energy and radiating selfless and non-judgmental love raises the consciousness of all those who come into contact with your energy field.
 Increasing your vibration is about causing yourself to feel positive emotions. Your emotions are responsible for reflecting what your vibration is, whether you are in low vibration or high vibration. Vibrations can be negative and positive too. The most important thing when you’re thinking about increasing your vibration is that, you distinguish between what a negative vibration is and what a positive vibration is. To know, you need to analyze your emotions. An emotion which does not make you feel good, takes you to a lower vibration, but if you’re in an emotion which makes you feel good, then it’s an indication that you are in a high vibration. 

Now what is it that causes an emotion? It is your continuously generating thoughts. Emotions reflects the nature of thoughts running in your mind.  Every thought is at certain specific vibration. You pick your thought which could be at high-frequency or low-frequency. Thus it is required that you choose a thought which can make you feel emotionally good, a thought of high-frequency. Nothing is more important than the thoughts you’re thinking, or focusing on. This will enable you to maintain high-frequency while interacting the ones who hold low-frequency. To hold a high vibration you must focus on things which make you feel good. If you’re every time holding a negative thought, it will not be easy to jump to high vibration, but you can do it by meditating. Through meditation you can stop creating those thoughts which are holding you in low-frequency, and it is much easier to move from a negative space to stopping thoughts and generating positive thoughts by focusing in good things, then lastly to a higher-vibration. 

Alternatively, you can attain high vibrations by not judging or criticizing any thought coming your way. You don’t have to dive into the thought or give a thought over that thought. Just let it be because when you start judging a thought, you start thinking whether it is right or wrong and your emotions get attached with that thought. Thus not judging what you observe or feel, this is stepping out of the ego mind.
You need to change the way you react over certain things which doesn’t make you feel good. Change your beliefs. Don’t be accustomed to useless beliefs. Listen to good music which is the most efficient tool to increase your vibration, it is because when you listen to high frequency music your ego doesn’t exist anymore. Surround yourself with people with high vibrations. These could be teachers, friends, nature, any spiritual guide, watch any movie that inspires you, etc. Exercise your body on a daily basis. Be in a state of appreciation or practice gratitude. It is important to be in a state of appreciation or positive focus because the state of appreciation is in exact match with the vibration of the source-frequency which is the highest of all frequency. It is the state of self-less love and you will be resonating at the highest frequency. 
Lastly, prioritize your personal happiness above everything else and dedicate yourself to happiness. Just think about things which can make you happier. Spread self-less love. Love everyone and everything, and don’t expect anything in return. Be compassionate to those who do not love you the way you do.


             One who holds no expectation, holds the infinite universe in hands.
                                                                                                        -Sameep Baxi

Sameep Baxi

Friday, 13 September 2013

A key of happy-ness


This astral body with infinte levels of perception requires no religious blessings and boundations to attain your desires/goals.
All that you seek is just within you; be it the solutions for your problems or the God that you worship.
We all are connected to One ultimate power. People around you wear just different faces of One God. Once you attain this level of perception, you'll see every religion of the world inside your heart.

    Love is the KEY. As when we worship our God with deep love within, we find eternal peace. And if we say that God lies inside each one of us, then we can just imagine what the world would become when we love each other selflessly. Afterall what is the reward in loving someone who loves you, love the ones who hate you.

Take a break for a moment, count on your thoughts, pick a thought which do you think contains hatred, or jealousy for someone. Now focus on that thought. Is that giving you any point of happiness? Is that so important that you spend so much time thinking about it? No! It is just increasing your anxiety and brings out no peace to you. That's is the point when our head starts to ache. These are thoughts before thoughts, forms a chain of so many thoughts running in your sub-conscious mind like many processes running parallely in a computer. And when it just reaches the capacity of mind, we get headache. We need to find some solution to 'END TASK' (in computer language) these processes running in our mind. Though it would be difficult for you to eliminate these thoughts just like that, but you can try to ignore it. Forgive the ones who are responsible for your frustration. Sometimes we have to forgive others, not because they are right but you deserve peace. Concentrate on your breathing when you're idle because when we are idle we're generally busy talking with our mind which most of the time increases our stress level, and brings out more frustration.

Be the gardener of your mind. Avoid putting any type of weed in your beautiful garden of mind. This trick works much faster when we stop judging people. Alternatively, putting more focus on ourselves. Judge yourself. Stop gossiping about people. Just imagine the outcome of this trick when everybody would just be taking care of themselves rather judging people around, then automatically we can't count flaws in anyone, there'll be no hatred for anyone in our heart, and ultimately we will have peace.
Spread love and raise your soul to a higher dimension.

-Sameep Baxi


Tuesday, 13 August 2013

How does God communicate? (Continued) Part-II

Thank you for coming. Thank you for being here. You are here by your choice, but still, you could have failed to visit this blog. You could have decided not to. You chose instead to be here. So thank you. I hope you have been through my last blog post ‘How does God Communicate? (Click here to view)’ in which I tried explaining the basic ways through which God/Master spirits communicates with us. Now I’ll be answering to some of the general questions which mostly scratch our mind.
You may sometimes wonder how do some people, Priests, Rabbis communicate with God? We see such people when we go to some temple, mosque, etc. Are these some special people, who are more nearer to God than you? Do they have some special powers? Or God itself communicate with them at some special times?
Well, if there are some questions like this in your mind too, I’m going to tell you the answers to all these questions.
All people are special and in God’s good books. All moments are golden. There is no person and there is no time one more special than another. We all are formed in the likeness of God, so no one can be more special than other. We must realize this that we all are fragments of God. If you choose to believe that God communicates only in special ways and only with selected people, this removes your capability of listening to God’s message, much less receiving it, and allows you to believe in someone else’s word for everything. Then you don’t have to listen to God, for you’ve already decided that others have heard from God on every subject, and you have them to listen to.
                By listening to what other people think they heard God say, you don’t have to think at all.
You have no choice left other than following their way of handling your life. This is the biggest reason for most people turning from God’s messages on a personal level. Even if you acknowledge that you are receiving God’s message directly, you’re responsible for interpreting them. It is far safer and much easier to accept the interpretation of others than seek to interpret the message you may very well be receiving in this moment now. You have to believe yourself, believe your feelings. Just stop believing what your elders and teachers say to you about the Truth. Trust your feelings and do not fear to implement it in your life. Love God instead of fearing God. Do not fear to change your perceptions about God. If deep inside in your Highest thought you do not believe in idol worship, don't do it. Your deepest feeling will never lie to you because it's your soul speaking to you not your mind.
                It only depends on your level of willingness to actually listen to God’s message. Take Jesus Christ, Sai Baba, Guru Nanak Dev for example, they are willing to hear, and they are willing to remain open to the communication even when it seems scary, or downright wrong.
Now the question rises, if what’s being said/asked seems wrong to us, should we still listen to God?
If you think you’re right about everything you asked from God, would you ever talk with God? Think about it deeply, we communicate with God especially when it seems wrong.
You cannot know God, until you’ve stopped telling yourself that you already know God. You cannot hear God until you stop thinking that you’ve already heard God.
                God cannot tell you His truth until you stop telling Him yours.

We think truth about God which we know comes from God itself, which is completely false. We believe more in unauthorized sources than believing our feelings, our own conceptions, and perceptions. You must listen to your feelings, your Highest Thoughts. Listen to your experience. Whenever any one of these differ from what you’ve been told by your elders, teachers, or read in your books, forget the words. Words are the least reliable supplier of Truth.

…to be continued.

Love and light. BLESSED-BE.
- Sameep Baxi

Thursday, 1 August 2013

How does God communicate?


We humans generally have a tendency that we believe only in what we see. When it comes to the existence of God many questions rise in our mind that whether to believe or not. Many say, “I have blind faith in God”, but actually that’s not the faith s/he has in God but faith in the person who introduced him/her with the existence of God. Now we are so much society stricken that if one wants to transcend above these shallow mirage of reality s/he cannot. In the urge of adopting modern culture and new technologies, we are limiting our perspectives at the same extent therefore we ultimately fall into more detrimental conditions, as when one’s desires are not met. Rather than pursuing atma (soul) and becoming independent of nature, man chooses to pursue aham (ego) and dominate nature. This does not allay fear, it only amplifies fear. Man divides subjective reality into two parts: what belongs to him and what does not belong to him. Property is thus created which is humankind’s greatest delusion through which humanity seeks to generate meaning and identity. We have created three worlds of self-ignorance Me, Mine, and Not mine, and we are so determined to put anything in these three worlds that we don’t even spare God. Each of these three worlds is mortal. The ‘me’ is made up of the body and mind. ‘Mine’ is made up of property, status, knowledge, and family. ‘Not mine’ is made up of all the other things that exists in the world over which one has no authority. Humans identify themselves with other things besides their body, hence get hurt when those things get damaged. A man derives his self-worth from his looks and other materialistic things, for example, his car.  When his looks go, or his car gets damaged, his tranquillity is lost. Tranquillity is also lost when he yearns for things that are not his, things that belong to others. Anxiety and restlessness thus have roots in the notion of ‘mine’ and ‘not mine’, which depends on imagination for their survival.
 We humans have created religions, made societies and sub-societies, not God. We have failed to realize that we, all human souls, are fragments of one God, who is far beyond the concepts of duality, i.e., God is neither male nor female. God doesn’t carry any tag of religion. Many master spirits came on this planet and went, enlightened many, like for example, Jesus Christ, Lord Buddha, Sai Baba, Guru Nanak Dev, etc. These spirits came from higher dimensions to give us the message of God in our lower dimension. Their mission was to help people, enlightening our sub-consciousness and taking us to the higher dimension. They never said that God has different faces, because they cannot say as they know the truth. Many people offended these master spirits, and many took their messages literally. These master spirits came to us in many physical form, so that we could understand them better as we are not capable of receiving their messages being at this state/dimension/frequency, also because we don’t want to listen to them. These master spirits are always around us, every second, helping us transcend to higher states, achieving higher frequency. Our bodies are just like a radio, which when tuned to a specific frequency, can communicate with multi-dimensional world exists around us.
  But the question comes how these master spirits communicate with us and with whom?
Master spirits and God talk to everyone. All the time. The question is not to whom do they talk, but who listens to them? When we try to speak to God or vice versa, we are immediately constricted by the unbelievable limitation of words. For this reason, He doesn’t communicate with words alone. In fact rarely He does this way. His most common form of communication is through a feeling.
Feeling is the language of soul.
If you want to know what’s true for you about something, look to how you’re feeling about it. Feelings are sometimes difficult to discover- and often even more difficult to acknowledge. Yet hidden in your deepest feeling is your highest truth. The trick is to get to these feelings and God/master spirits will show you how.
God also communicate with thought. Thought and feelings are not the same, although they can occur at the same time. In communicating with thought, God often uses images and pictures, for this reason, thoughts are more effective than mere words as tools of communication.
In addition to feelings and thoughts, God uses the vehicle of experience as a grand communicator.
And finally, when feelings and thoughts and experience all fail, God uses words. Words are really the least effective communicator. They are most open to misinterpretation, most often misunderstood. And it is because of what words are. Words are merely noises that stand for feelings, thoughts and experience. They aren’t truth. They aren’t real thing.
Words may help you understand something. Experience allows you to know. Yet there are some things you cannot experience. So God has given us other tools of knowing. And these are called feelings. And so too, thoughts.

Now the supreme irony here is that we all have placed so much importance on the Word of God, and so little on the experience.
In fact, we place so little value on experience that when what we experience of God differs from what we’ve heard of God, we automatically discard the experience and own the words, when it should be the other way around.

Our experience and our feelings about a thing represent what we factually and intuitively know about that thing. Words can only seek to symbolize what we know, and can often confuse what we know.
These, then, are the tools with which God communicates, yet they are not the methods, for not all feelings, not all thoughts, not all experience, and not all words are from God. Many words have been uttered by others, in God’s name. Many thoughts and many feelings have been sponsored by causes not of God’s direct creation. Many experiences result from these.
The challenge is one of the discernment. The difficulty is knowing the difference between messages from God and from other sources. Discrimination is a simple matter with the application of this basic rule:
                God’s message will be always your Highest thought, the Clearest Word you can listen, your Grandest Feeling. Anything less is from other source.

…to be continued.

Happy reading.
Share this message with as many people as you can. Enlighten yourself and others around you with TRUTH.

-Sameep Baxi.


Sunday, 21 July 2013

Ancient knowledge of Consciousness, illusion of reality and Cymatics

Consciousness creativity in the brain 

If you have a golf ball size consciousness, when you read a book you have a golf ball size understanding. When you look out a golf ball size awareness and when you wake up in the morning you have a golf ball size wakefulness, but if you could expand that consciousness then you read the book with more understanding, you look out more awareness and you wake with more wakefulness. It's CONSCIOUSNESS. And there is an ocean of pure, vibrant consciousness inside each one of us, and it's right at the source and base of mind, and it's also at the source of all MATTER.

THERE IS NO MATTER AS SUCH...All matter originates and exists only by a virtue of a force which brings the particle of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute solar system of the atom together. We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of all matter.             -Max Planck

Matter is the fix thing that you can touch and see, your body is also reassuringly solid, but beginning with Einstein modern physics has insured us that this solidity is a mirage. All physical matter, everything around us is result of frequencies (String theory can explain you why?). And what that also means if you amplify the frequencies the structure of matter will change.
When frequencies overlap, the interference due to them produces pulses. Like the pulse of a human heart. The pulse that drives the blood through veins in your body. What is your heart responding to? Where has that pulse come from?
Quantum physics has revealed what ancient master knew. Matter does not exist. The concept of substance arouse from the philosophy of Aristotle (384BC-322BC). He proposed that the substance of the universe is consciousness. Therefore, it is the  behaviour  that is important.
Quantum physics has shown that space and time are illusions of perception. Therefore, our bodies cannot truly be reality if they occupy the space.

 Emest Rutherford performed an experiment which revealed to him the shape of the interior of an atom. Scientists were shocked to discover the atom is almost entirely an empty space. The question rises, that how this empty atom possibly make the solid world around us? Our true consciousness does not resides in our brains or in our bodies. But this illusion of individual bodies along with misinformation of our true origins manifests the idea that all think independently from one another. With this misunderstanding it was seem impossible to scientifically explain telepathy, clairvoyance, spiritual mediums, another phenomenon dealing with information between sources without physical means of communication. You can understand that there is one common spiritual bond between all things in the universe and that we're all part of one divine intelligence, no phenomena is unexplainable. This means consciousness shapes our reality.
In modern times we are taught from an early age how to think rationally intangibly. This the very left-brain method of education and it has more harm effects than us giving credit for. The left brain deals with logic, details, facts, patterns, practicality, science and math. As the right-brain deals with feelings, symbols, images, risk taking, philosophy and religion. Now generation after generation of youth are being taught to focus only on the facts, figures and numbers. Children are rewarded for questioning the validity of the information they receive. They are ridiculed. Most detrimental fact of being pushed away from holistic thinking with the full brain into a strictly left-brain is what is known as the suppression of the feminine. Every male and female has feminine and masculine qualities, it has nothing to do with man or woman. In Chinese, these are represented by Yin and Yang. So both are vital to spiritual and physical health.


We can say our emotions are the part of true reality of higher consciousness. Just as music from the radio is a physical manifestation of an intangible signal, our experience of emotion is a physical manifestation of  an intangible signal as well. It has been shown that emotions have a vibratory frequency to them. Furthermore, there are only two emotion that a human can experience FEAR & LOVE. All other emotions are derived directly or indirectly from them. FEAR has a long and slow frequency vibration, while LOVE has very rapid and high frequency. To show the vibrations as the very ground of existence, a scientist name Hans developed cymatics in 1940s to show when vibrations of sound when pass through a form of medium there's a set pattern that will follow. When frequency increases, the medium developed into a more complex pattern. This is precisely what's is happening to our Earth and humanity. There are 64 possible codes of amino acids in our DNA structure made from four elements, Carbon (C), Hydrogen (H), Oxygen (O) and Nitrogen (N). By any means of logic we should have all 64 codes activated in our DNA structure. Yet we presently only have 20 active codes. There is a switch for that turning-on and turning-off of codons, and that switch is our emotion. It is the first time we've ever seen that the patterns of emotions directly, physically linked with the human-genetic material. Thus we have a hard digital link between emotions and genetics.

As you are reading this, understand that this is not a fight to be fought, it is not a war to be waged, no finger has to be lifted. Most people wonder how one person can make a difference, they ask that if all this is so simple and this information is so valuable why hasn't someone else conquer their fears and changed the world for everyone else. This is the most difficult and beautiful conundrum to our lives. Your reality affects you and only YOU. Your curiosity has lead you to this genre of information to serve a very specific purpose in your life.

Spread the message, spread love.

-Sameep Baxi

Friday, 19 July 2013

On the path of finding oneself

You don’t have to be accustomed to any human-made laws, just open your endearing astral heart to the world and set yourself free from all worldly obligations as you are the God and Goddesses of your own universe.

-Sameep Baxi


Saturday, 20 April 2013

Connecting Mythology to Spirituality...

What actually do you know about Hindu Mythology?

Hindu mythology is a large body of traditional narratives related to Hinduism, notably as contained in Sanskrit literature, (such as the Sanskrit epics and the Purans). As such, it is a subset of Indian and Nepali culture. Rather than one consistent, monolithic structure, it is a range of diverse traditions, developed by different sects, people and philosophical schools, in different regions and at different times, which are not necessarily held by all Hindus to be literal accounts of historical events, but are taken to have deeper, often symbolic, meaning, and which have been given a complex range of interpretations. (Wikipedia)

To begin with, I’ll first introduce the three graven images; Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh (Shiva).
Brahma is ideate as the Creator of Universe (according to the scriptures). Likewise Vishnu is envisaged as the Preserver of Universe and Shiva as the
So what do they actually create, preserve and destroy? What Brahma is doing now, when the universe has already been created? What Vishnu is preserving in the universe and what is Shiva destroying?
To answer these question, let me tell you something specifically about them. But first ask yourself why do we worship them?

Brahma, as I said is ideate as the Creator of universe. But that doesn’t mean he’s busy all the time creating stars, comets and the galaxies. He’s responsible for the creation of our thoughts not anything else. Our thoughts corresponds to desires and those desires are responsible for all the richness around us. Thus Brahma is responsible for the creation of Prakriti (Nature) around us. Brahma keeps on creating something in prakriti (through our thoughts) but never realizes why is he creating? What is the need of his creation? He doesn’t enjoy what has been created, on the contrary every time he takes pride of his creation. This is the psychological representation of Brahma, that how much unstable his mind is.
This fact is so much similar to our own psychology. Like Brahma our mind is also very unstable as our desires never end, we indulge ourselves so much in making our living better that we forget to make our life. We chase happiness on the path of short-term successes, and which ultimately takes us to the way of destruction. And this destruction is Shiva, which I’ll explain later.

Talking about Vishnu, as I said, Vishnu symbolically is envisaged as the Preserver of universe. Actually, Vishnu is responsible for the preservation of what has been created in the universe; our thoughts and indirectly prakriti (nature). Vishnu enjoys what has been created, he’s content with what he possess. His mind is stable and has no desires, unlike Brahma who is never content.
Thus following Vishnu is the path to spirituality and our sole and soul purpose. Following Vishnu is the way to Nirvana, where Shiv exists.

Talking about Shiva, as I said, Shiva symbolically is represented as the Destroyer. Understanding Shiva is the most complex thing, as it took me months to realize the actual meaning of Shiva. Why we worship him, the way we do? The symbolic meaning of his statues, Shiva Linga, etc. Though I’m not going to write about those things in this post. Wait for my next post to learn some secrets of Hindu mythology and Shiva.
So coming back to the point, that why do we call him the Destroyer? Shiva destroys what has been created, indirectly Brahma. At this point, just change your perception of imagining Brahma as we see in typical Indian TV Shows. Take ‘Brahma’ as our ‘thoughts’ which are actually responsible for some creation. Thoughts which carry ego, jealousy and me, mine and not mine like things, Shiva destroys them and takes us to the ecstatic state as Shiva is the destroyer of the three worlds created by the Brahma; Me, Mine and Not Mine. Shiva beheaded the fifth head of Brahma, which was the symbol of his ego. Shiva is not capable of any discrimination in ‘any sense’, because he is away from the worldly happenings. As Brahma and Vishnu resides in Prakriti, Shiva resides in Purusha (ecstatic state, or out of prakriti). Shiva is the greatest tapasvi (Meditator), by which he reached the Ultimate Dimension, and is the True God. Closed eyes of Shiva depicts that he’s meditating and the real world exists inside us, not outside.

In my sense, the whole idea of knowing the reality, knowing what is God is misinterpreted in Hindu Mythology. We just believe what we see and told or described by our parents or our elders but never run our mind to discover the real truth. 

All these three images lies inside each one of us. Like Brahma we are distracted towards various fugacious worldly blossoms, and our mind is also unstable like him. We develop ego, feeling of jealousy and hatred towards each other, and can only develop conditional love towards someone.
When someone keeps his mind like Vishnu, he develops unconditional love, and can easily perceive the path towards nirvana (towards Purusha or where God Shiva resides).

This is the explanation to the phrase ‘God is One and resides in each one of us, but not in any man-made structure of bricks and stones. Remember, realizing Self, is realizing God.  Think about it. Do we really need to worship these Gods the way we do, or do they expect something else from us?

And at the end, the only message I want to give you is, don’t perceive this world, as u have been told, or as others do, don’t be accustomed to unnecessary rituals and beliefs, as they won’t take you near to the God, rather it’ll work the other way. The answers to all your problems lies within you. Explore and transcend yourself spiritually and when you do you’ll find it an unnecessary custom to go to any temple or any place to find your God.

Blessings to all.

-          Sameep Baxi


Thursday, 18 April 2013

Cockroach Theory for Self Development

Have you heard of the Cockroach Theory for Self Development?
At a restaurant, a cockroach suddenly flew from somewhere and sat on a lady. She started screaming
out of fear. With a panic stricken face and trembling voice, she started jumping, with both her hands desperately trying to get rid of the cockroach.

Her reaction was contagious, as everyone in her group also got panicky.

The lady finally managed to push the cockroach away but landed on another lady in the group.

Now, it was the turn of the other lady in the group to continue the drama.

The waiter rushed forward to their rescue.
In the relay of throwing, the cockroach next fell upon the waiter.

The waiter stood firm, composed himself and observed the behaviour of the cockroach on his shirt.
When he was confident enough, he grabbed it with his fingers and threw it out of the restaurant.

Sipping my coffee and watching the amusement, the antenna of my mind picked up a few thoughts and started wondering, was the cockroach responsible for their histrionic behaviour?
If so, then why was the waiter not disturbed?
He handled it near to perfection, without any chaos.

It is not the cockroach, but the inability of the ladies to handle the disturbance caused by the cockroach that disturbed the ladies.

I realized that, it is not the shouting of my father or my boss or my wife that disturbs me, but it's my inability to handle the disturbances caused by their shouting that disturbs me.

It's not the traffic jams on the road that disturbs me, but my
inability to handle the disturbance caused by the traffic jam that disturbs me.

More than the problem, it's my reaction to the problem that creates chaos in my life.

Lessons learnt from the story:
Do not react in life. Always respond.

The women reacted, whereas the waiter responded.

Reactions are always instinctive whereas responses are always well thought of, just and right to save a situation from going out of hands, to avoid cracks in relationship, to avoid taking decisions in anger, anxiety, stress or hurry.


Must Share.