Thursday, 1 August 2013

How does God communicate?


We humans generally have a tendency that we believe only in what we see. When it comes to the existence of God many questions rise in our mind that whether to believe or not. Many say, “I have blind faith in God”, but actually that’s not the faith s/he has in God but faith in the person who introduced him/her with the existence of God. Now we are so much society stricken that if one wants to transcend above these shallow mirage of reality s/he cannot. In the urge of adopting modern culture and new technologies, we are limiting our perspectives at the same extent therefore we ultimately fall into more detrimental conditions, as when one’s desires are not met. Rather than pursuing atma (soul) and becoming independent of nature, man chooses to pursue aham (ego) and dominate nature. This does not allay fear, it only amplifies fear. Man divides subjective reality into two parts: what belongs to him and what does not belong to him. Property is thus created which is humankind’s greatest delusion through which humanity seeks to generate meaning and identity. We have created three worlds of self-ignorance Me, Mine, and Not mine, and we are so determined to put anything in these three worlds that we don’t even spare God. Each of these three worlds is mortal. The ‘me’ is made up of the body and mind. ‘Mine’ is made up of property, status, knowledge, and family. ‘Not mine’ is made up of all the other things that exists in the world over which one has no authority. Humans identify themselves with other things besides their body, hence get hurt when those things get damaged. A man derives his self-worth from his looks and other materialistic things, for example, his car.  When his looks go, or his car gets damaged, his tranquillity is lost. Tranquillity is also lost when he yearns for things that are not his, things that belong to others. Anxiety and restlessness thus have roots in the notion of ‘mine’ and ‘not mine’, which depends on imagination for their survival.
 We humans have created religions, made societies and sub-societies, not God. We have failed to realize that we, all human souls, are fragments of one God, who is far beyond the concepts of duality, i.e., God is neither male nor female. God doesn’t carry any tag of religion. Many master spirits came on this planet and went, enlightened many, like for example, Jesus Christ, Lord Buddha, Sai Baba, Guru Nanak Dev, etc. These spirits came from higher dimensions to give us the message of God in our lower dimension. Their mission was to help people, enlightening our sub-consciousness and taking us to the higher dimension. They never said that God has different faces, because they cannot say as they know the truth. Many people offended these master spirits, and many took their messages literally. These master spirits came to us in many physical form, so that we could understand them better as we are not capable of receiving their messages being at this state/dimension/frequency, also because we don’t want to listen to them. These master spirits are always around us, every second, helping us transcend to higher states, achieving higher frequency. Our bodies are just like a radio, which when tuned to a specific frequency, can communicate with multi-dimensional world exists around us.
  But the question comes how these master spirits communicate with us and with whom?
Master spirits and God talk to everyone. All the time. The question is not to whom do they talk, but who listens to them? When we try to speak to God or vice versa, we are immediately constricted by the unbelievable limitation of words. For this reason, He doesn’t communicate with words alone. In fact rarely He does this way. His most common form of communication is through a feeling.
Feeling is the language of soul.
If you want to know what’s true for you about something, look to how you’re feeling about it. Feelings are sometimes difficult to discover- and often even more difficult to acknowledge. Yet hidden in your deepest feeling is your highest truth. The trick is to get to these feelings and God/master spirits will show you how.
God also communicate with thought. Thought and feelings are not the same, although they can occur at the same time. In communicating with thought, God often uses images and pictures, for this reason, thoughts are more effective than mere words as tools of communication.
In addition to feelings and thoughts, God uses the vehicle of experience as a grand communicator.
And finally, when feelings and thoughts and experience all fail, God uses words. Words are really the least effective communicator. They are most open to misinterpretation, most often misunderstood. And it is because of what words are. Words are merely noises that stand for feelings, thoughts and experience. They aren’t truth. They aren’t real thing.
Words may help you understand something. Experience allows you to know. Yet there are some things you cannot experience. So God has given us other tools of knowing. And these are called feelings. And so too, thoughts.

Now the supreme irony here is that we all have placed so much importance on the Word of God, and so little on the experience.
In fact, we place so little value on experience that when what we experience of God differs from what we’ve heard of God, we automatically discard the experience and own the words, when it should be the other way around.

Our experience and our feelings about a thing represent what we factually and intuitively know about that thing. Words can only seek to symbolize what we know, and can often confuse what we know.
These, then, are the tools with which God communicates, yet they are not the methods, for not all feelings, not all thoughts, not all experience, and not all words are from God. Many words have been uttered by others, in God’s name. Many thoughts and many feelings have been sponsored by causes not of God’s direct creation. Many experiences result from these.
The challenge is one of the discernment. The difficulty is knowing the difference between messages from God and from other sources. Discrimination is a simple matter with the application of this basic rule:
                God’s message will be always your Highest thought, the Clearest Word you can listen, your Grandest Feeling. Anything less is from other source.

…to be continued.

Happy reading.
Share this message with as many people as you can. Enlighten yourself and others around you with TRUTH.

-Sameep Baxi.


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