Wednesday, 27 November 2013

How to raise your vibrational frequency

 Hello everyone. You’ve heard me time and again telling you about to raise your frequency and how much important it is for you to do it in terms of achieving your desires and goals. Before we move further on this topic, I want you to go through my previous blog which was about ‘Ancient knowledge of consciousness, illusion of reality and cyamatics<-- Click here if you haven’t or even if you have go through it once again. In that post, I tried to explain how are vibrations related to us, or what is frequency or vibration in relation with our body. Thus from that post we can conclude that, vibration and consciousness go hand-in-hand. Our whole body is vibrating at a certain frequency because of which we are realizing the structural WE.
Now with science in hand, I’ll explain how this all actually works. Consider the following frequency graph:

  Let’s first take the high-frequency graph.The red line represents frequency, and the black line represents DNA helical structure. In this graph, imagine a helical structure of DNA which is overlapped on two different frequencies. When DNA overlaps over the high-frequency (of your mind and body), DNA interacts with the frequency at larger number of sites. Thus leading to more activation or awakening of your spirit. Similarly, when the DNA interacts with the low-frequency wave, it interacts at limited number of sites. Thereby limiting your perspective in life.
So when you are in low-frequency, you’re in a decreased state of consciousness. You perception level is lower. But when you are in high frequency, you’re in an increased state of consciousness and which gradually increases your perception level. In lower-frequency, your ego restricts you to see the reality, it also restricts you to see and feel love, and also your intuition level decreases. Thus the lower your vibrational frequency, the less you are able to comprehend. The higher your vibrational frequency, the more you are able to comprehend as you do not restrict the flow of energy and life-source in your body and mind with your ego. Rising to a vibrational energy and radiating selfless and non-judgmental love raises the consciousness of all those who come into contact with your energy field.
 Increasing your vibration is about causing yourself to feel positive emotions. Your emotions are responsible for reflecting what your vibration is, whether you are in low vibration or high vibration. Vibrations can be negative and positive too. The most important thing when you’re thinking about increasing your vibration is that, you distinguish between what a negative vibration is and what a positive vibration is. To know, you need to analyze your emotions. An emotion which does not make you feel good, takes you to a lower vibration, but if you’re in an emotion which makes you feel good, then it’s an indication that you are in a high vibration. 

Now what is it that causes an emotion? It is your continuously generating thoughts. Emotions reflects the nature of thoughts running in your mind.  Every thought is at certain specific vibration. You pick your thought which could be at high-frequency or low-frequency. Thus it is required that you choose a thought which can make you feel emotionally good, a thought of high-frequency. Nothing is more important than the thoughts you’re thinking, or focusing on. This will enable you to maintain high-frequency while interacting the ones who hold low-frequency. To hold a high vibration you must focus on things which make you feel good. If you’re every time holding a negative thought, it will not be easy to jump to high vibration, but you can do it by meditating. Through meditation you can stop creating those thoughts which are holding you in low-frequency, and it is much easier to move from a negative space to stopping thoughts and generating positive thoughts by focusing in good things, then lastly to a higher-vibration. 

Alternatively, you can attain high vibrations by not judging or criticizing any thought coming your way. You don’t have to dive into the thought or give a thought over that thought. Just let it be because when you start judging a thought, you start thinking whether it is right or wrong and your emotions get attached with that thought. Thus not judging what you observe or feel, this is stepping out of the ego mind.
You need to change the way you react over certain things which doesn’t make you feel good. Change your beliefs. Don’t be accustomed to useless beliefs. Listen to good music which is the most efficient tool to increase your vibration, it is because when you listen to high frequency music your ego doesn’t exist anymore. Surround yourself with people with high vibrations. These could be teachers, friends, nature, any spiritual guide, watch any movie that inspires you, etc. Exercise your body on a daily basis. Be in a state of appreciation or practice gratitude. It is important to be in a state of appreciation or positive focus because the state of appreciation is in exact match with the vibration of the source-frequency which is the highest of all frequency. It is the state of self-less love and you will be resonating at the highest frequency. 
Lastly, prioritize your personal happiness above everything else and dedicate yourself to happiness. Just think about things which can make you happier. Spread self-less love. Love everyone and everything, and don’t expect anything in return. Be compassionate to those who do not love you the way you do.


             One who holds no expectation, holds the infinite universe in hands.
                                                                                                        -Sameep Baxi

Sameep Baxi