What do you know about Spirituality?
For me spirituality is the divine connection with infinite wisdom. It is about knowing Who We Are, what we want to be? It is about deep introspection, knowing our purpose on this planet and why have we given this life the way it is. For a moment, stay focused and think why are we in this world where there is so much pain (for some), so much to bear, be it injustice in any sense, hatred or disrespect?Spirituality is certainly the ultimate path on which we can find perception of the beautiful world we desire. Where there is no restriction for anything. We only do what our heart wants us to do and we don't listen to this mind which is so attached to the worldly obligations. Spirituality is the ultimate freedom from these worldly obligations and helps us to determine WHO WE ARE and WHAT WE WANT TO BE.
Also think and imagine that how this world would look when all you can feel around is love, where there is no discrimination of any kind, everyone is treated equally, loved unintentionally and where there is respect for each being's feelings.We must not try to change the world, first bring the change within. Spread love unintentionally and indiscriminately.
*Sameep Baxi*
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